Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Robot's Name is...

So, I have decided to create a name for the robot that is both fearsome and pays tribute to my dad. Without his help on this robot, I would still be looking at a pile of electronics and a metal strainer, not knowing how to start. My dad made this robot a reality. Thank you, Dad.

In honor of his help, I have decided to name the robot:
The Warden.
The Warden will destroy any opposition...
The Warden will clear the field of all rebellion...
The Warden will dominate.
A perfect name to drive fear into the competitors' hearts and honor my dad's help (with Warden being a play on my dad's name, Edward).

The Warden-
Be afraid...
Be very afraid...

With work now complete on The Warden, I've moved my attention to the next robot that needs to be built. This robot will be remote controlled (the opposite of The Warden) and will compete in the 20lb. class. More information to come!

*Hey, I want to know about your goals. What have you been working on lately? Have you been successful? Has it been difficult? Easy? 

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